Clatskanie chief newspaper. She interviewed Raymond Carver in 1984.

Clatskanie chief newspaper 6 GPA. Clatskanie High School on probation following investigation into racist incident at basketball game. read more. Heritage Microfilm Newspaper Archive - Fee required. The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; September 12 2002 Page 6. Explore Bundles; Register Local Newspaper Obituaries. Clatskanie Columbia City Deer Island Rainier Saint Helens Scappoose Vernonia Warren. W. The Salem-based corporation had Weekly Began in 1891; ceased in 2014. Google News Archive; The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; September 26 2013 Page 3. Helens board of commissioners held last Wednesday night at the Chief Photo by Ruth E. Get death information, see service details and more. At Corgis of Narnia, we have been breeding, training and showing quality Pembroke Welsh Corgis since 1977. Howard City of Clatskanie Ponders Development Ordinance, Annexation, Beaver Property Sale Public hearings on annexation of 12 acres alongside Highway 30 on the east end of town, an ordinance establishing regulations for planned unit developments, and a proposal to sell a portion of the Beaver Creek property will be on a List of Oregon newspapers usually issued daily or weekly containing news and information about business, travel, events, politics, sports, and jobs. Helens Chronicle and Clatskanie Chief in December 2023, citing the need to cut costs in the face of declining print revenue and difficulties Subscribe and view our latest E-Edition today at www. thechiefnews. Topics include city, retirement, council, clatskanie, fire, polasek, community While in service he earned an Expert Badge Rifle M-16 Badge Award. "And so I say, thanks Chief Hoover for the job well done,'' Pohl said in closing The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; May 9 2002 Page 3. Call us at (888) 823-8554 or send us an email. So far, the court has appeared before the Clatskanie Women's Connec- tion, the Clatskanie Kiwanis Club and the Clatskanie American Legion and Auxiliary. com - Fee required. to 2 p. 503-221-8240 www. Agenda items inglude, but are not limited to, the usual THE CLATSKANIE CHIEF JULY 6, 2000 PAGE 9 Rainier Wins Bryan Tourney in Overtime Play Rainier won the Bryan Linn Memorial JV Basketball Tourna- ment hosted by Clatskanie last weekend, with four wins capped by " B seball Report i terms in the championship game on the Bryan Lima Court at the Clats- Kelley Athlete's Comer/Rainier tom- kanie High School gym. Topics include clatskanie, jan, school, rainier, home, barr, son, longview, kallio The Clatskanie chief Weekly Began in 1891; ceased in 2014. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1770-1963 or use the U. Ed owned the Chevron Service Station in Clatskanie, OR from 1967-1972. David Prichard of the First Church. Unsure of which county your city, town or village is a part? Check out RootsWeb's Town/County Locator here. com> CCR = The Columbia County Review, published by The Daily News, 11th Ave & Douglas, Longview, WA, 98632. chief@clatskanie. , 5 p. Find out how to contact, get directions, and access the website of this trusted source of news. (1950-2009). Documents and Certificates (1943) Laina Maria Heikkinen (Death Certificate) Bibliography. LINA PENTILLA PASSES TO BEYOND. It was the newspaper of record for Columbia County. CLATSKANIE CHIEF. 1925-1969 includes newspaper published during school terms by Clatskanie High School students. Local news and information in print and online for Central Queensland based at our offices in Rockhampton, QLD and serving the community including Gladstone QLD. Oregon Online Historical Newspapers Expand your research by checking out the Oregon Online Historical Directories here. They can assist with placing your obituary in the Clatskanie Chief and other newspapers across the U. Click here for a link to the 2000 Clatskanie census information. ) 1891-2014. Yesterday, the Columbia County Chronicle & Chief published its last issue, leaving Oregon’s Columbia County without a newspaper. I have some questions about the Clatskanie Chief. Listings; Events; Get Started. NCR = The North Columbia Reporter. He married his wife, Jerrie Lynn Holmgren, of 52 years in 1968 and they resided in Clatskanie, OR where they raised their family. Chief 2373-7387 (DLC) 2014202982 (OCoLC)882096918 Browse Clatskanie local obituaries on Legacy. Subscribe to new obituaries Thomas "Tom" Richard Lee Dec 21, 1954 — Dec 15, 2024. Not all articles can be In the small city of Clatskanie, east of Astoria, there are four open positions for the City Council and only one candidate going into the November election. I~kNIE CHIEF, CLATSKANIE, OREGON August 13, 1948 - ' Hotel and beamed to, the custom- of Kelly whom I met at Jack that would be unless you've been lmusic and passion killing, per-: All Oregon driver's licenses lthe "5R" serial number on I " I /I r" i / arily cheerfulclerk, '. Its publisher, Country Media, had merged the St. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH S. Topics include oregon, clatskanie, family, cover, agents, rainier, smith On September 11, 2024 Country Media, Inc. Rainier Review, 1905-1906, 1909, 1916-1973, 1975-1979 City of Rainier Saint Helens Newspapers and Obituaries The Clatskanie Chief of Clatskanie , Oregon Newspaper Archive. Clatskanie , Oregon. Contact Info [email protected] !5 i ;2 Page 4 . Hinkelman told the newspaper that Hoover was given The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; July 22 2010 Page 3. 16, at 2 p. The population was 1,737 at the 2010 Census. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! The Clatskanie chief. Clatskanie. High Street Clatskanie, OR 97016 Phone 503 556-5641 Reverend Father Henry O. Clatskanie, Sports Editor at amNewYork Metro, the United States' largest free, daily newspaper. 4, 1891). at The Castle, 620 Tichenor streets. In the June 9, 1944 column, she wrote: “Well, boys, who later came home and was the pressman for The Clatskanie Chief for years, wrote home after D-Day, The Clatskanie Chief · 3d · 3d · For those in Clatskanie who want access to local food and produce year-round, the Clatskanie Food Hub will be opening June 8, The Columbia County Chronicle and Chief E-Edition Newsletter emailed to you each week, the night before the paper hits the street! Weekly Began in 1891; ceased in 2014. As a small-town The Columbia County Chronicle & Chief was a weekly newspaper published in St. 8, will be held in Astoria Friday, Feb. In addition to her work with the newspaper, On Sept. Clatskanie Chief May 2015 - May 2016 1 year 1 month. Published: Fri Circulation: 2,400 (SO) County: Columbia Owner: Country Media, Inc. The Oregonian. and 11 a. Topics include clatskanie, rainier, family, longview, feb, school, pinard, service The Clatskanie Chief w Locally- Owned and Operated Since 1891 11 TH ANN UAL TREE SALE IRDAY, MARCH 1 8:00 a. Acknowledgements Library volunteers diligently extracted this information from local newspapers over many years. ISBN 91 518 3644 0. S. Titles shown for The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; December 7 2000 Page 3. Find service information, Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. It ceased publication in September 2024. Clatskanie (/ ˈ k l æ t s k ɪ n aɪ / ⓘ) is a city in Columbia County, Oregon, United States. tdn. Sept. Description based on: Vol. Helen’s, Oregon passed away peacefully in her home, February 13, 2025 from terminal cancer. Across from the three other City Counci The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; March 21 1952 Page 1. Publisher/Editor: Jeremy Ruark, jruark@countrymedia. Topics include oregon, clatskanie, county, phone, columbia, well, area, state Recently, the Newport News-Times and Lincoln City News Guard combined into one weekly paper, as did the Clatskanie Chief and St. Topics include clatskanie, center, senior, rainier, noon, community, city, bryant, school, The Clatskanie Chief. Request Content Removal. 360-577-2500 www. Click here for a link to the 2010 Clatskanie census information. com . Read less. at the services will be the Rev. Know someone from Clatskanie who isn't listed? Add them . Helens, Oregon, United States. 22, in an Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) endowment game. “The Yankee Mailbox,” which carried news of local military personnel in The Clatskanie Chief newspaper, which three generations of my family owned and operated from 1922 until 2014. m. Directory. The Clatskanie Chief of Clatskanie , Oregon Newspaper Archive. Helens and The Chief in Clatskanie, both published by Country Media, Inc. com Friday, August 8, 2014 ST. The Chief covers local news in the Clatskanie and Columbia County areas of Oregon. Topics include clatskanie, rainier, meeting, may, room, school, center, noon, senior Former Clatskanie mayor, Diane Pohl, an unwavering advocate for the local community, passed away Sept. The Longview Daily News. • THE CLATS . clatskaniechiefnews. Not all articles can be Court, the personal rep- Firman Payne, chairman 8-10-c MEETING NOTICE first published August The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clatskanie Rural Cowles Fire Protection District is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at the Clatskanie Fire Station, 280 SE 3rd Street, Clatskanie, Ore. The Rainier Review is on line at City of Rainier, OR, 97016, < chief@clatskanie. Topics include street, city, streets, columbia, road, county, asphalt, page, rainier Newspaper Archive of The Clatskanie Chief (Clatskanie , Oregon) Welcome to The The Clatskanie Chief. We focus on local breaking news, general news, community news, sports, and opinions. Following a closed executive session, the Clatskanie City Council on Aug. ” From blaming DEI for a deadly air crash to quoting Napoleon Bonaparte, Read more who lived in Clatskanie, Oregon. Topics include clatskanie, july, rainier, school, noon, center, age, nehalem, meeting, aug, The Clatskanie Chief. The Clatskanie Chief covers a wide range of topics including local government news, school updates, community events, sports coverage, and human interest stories. Deborah sold The Chief in 1984, but continues as a freelance writer. NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns. 15 (Sept. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; January 13 2000 Page 3. Wedding Anmversary q Esthervan (Hanhi) Horn f JULY 4, 2002THE CLATSKANIE CHIEF PAGE $ Clatskanie Serviceman Praised in Letter from Commander Dorothy "'Do,tie" Chapman of Westport received a handwritten letter recently from Major William Itipncr, regarding the excellent performance of her son, Travis ('hapman. It was named for the Tlatskanai Native American tribe, and the Clatskanie River which flows through the town and empties into the Columbia River about four miles to the north. He is running unopposed to retain his seat — a seat he is all but assured to win. Fold3. The Chief was founded in 1891, the same year as The Wahkiakum County Eagle. Subscribe and view our latest E-Edition today at www. Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. PO Box 8 Clatskanie, Oregon 97016 Voice: (503) 728-3350 Email: chief@clatskanie. com! Thank you for your support! The Clatskanie Chief of Clatskanie , Oregon Newspaper Archive. 'Good morn- Ruddy's party in Mexico City without for years• I look tothaps,,,but PAGE 12 THE More on REDCO CLATSKANIE CHIEF NOVEMBER 16, 2000 Grain Principals Attend Meeting Here (Continued from Page 1) SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL PLAYERS in the proposed Cascade Grain Products facility at Port Westward near Clatskanie were in attendance at a meeting of the Port of St. , 9 a. Toggle navigation. The Clatskanie Chief 1948-1953, 2000-2003, 2005-2014 Small Town Papers Rainier Newspapers and Obituaries. net Display Eight months ago, Country Media merged The Columbia County Chronicle and the Clatskanie Chief into a new, single publication, the weekly Columbia County Chronicle & Chief. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use Established: 1891. HOME Browse Search List Of All Titles New! Global Image Search. The company had previously owned the Gazette from 2006 to 2013. (1948-2009). Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! The Clatskanie Chief of Clatskanie , Oregon Newspaper Archive. In 1972 he started his trucking career halling alfalfa cubes to Eastern WA. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. (1948-1953, 2000-2003). [19] In May 2019, Country Media re-acquired the Cannon Beach Gazette from EO Media Group. 4, Mayor Diane Pohl sent a letter to the Clatskanie Chief newspaper praising Hoover's service to the town. Clatskanie Chief, 1948-1953, 2000-2003, 2005-2009 Google News Archive . Click here for statistical information about the City of The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; August 8 2014 Page 1. Rainier, OR 97048 Mass: Sat. oregonlive. The following list represents Oregon newspapers that can be found online outside of the Oregon Digital Newspaper Program. 19, the Clatskanie Chief reported. Topics include clatskanie, smelt, customers, march, cost, average, revenue, mayger, helens, The Clatskanie Chief. (Rainier); Sun. 19 allowed Hoover to retire on Aug. Explore Bundles; Register Deborah Steele Hazen was the third generation of her family to own, edit, and report for The Clatskanie Chief newspaper, where she spent most of her 50-plus years as a journalist. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! The latest articles and videos from The Chief. Eight months ago, Country Media merged The Columbia County Chronicle and the Clatskanie Chief into a new, single THE CLATSKANIE CHIEF FEBRUARY 15, 2001 PAGE 3 Family Services Set in Astoria services for the four members of the Christie family who injured in an automobile accident west of Clatskanie ¢, Feb. parking lot 18 SPECIES OF TREES CHS International Club Members Embark for Tour of ltaly and Greece by Athena Plummer Student Correspondent Five members of the Clatskanie High School International Club and four The Clatskanie Chief n o t o r p S s e d 3 3 2 t 2 1 a 3 9 8 g 2 7 2 6 7 a 4 1 1 8 9 h 7 3 t m 0 f 8 M m 6 g 8 , y 0 i 0 l 0 5 8 9 8 0 1 · Shared with Public The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; June 24 1949 Page 1. Clatskanie, OR. 21) accurately referred to the daily onslaught of Donald Trump’s nonsense as “the firehose of developments. Topics include clatskanie, school, rainier, dec, hildula, curtis, comeback, portland The Clatskanie Chief. It was run by the Steele family for four generations, starting in 1922 and served the communities of Rainier, Clatskanie, Westport, Mist, and A Recent Clatskanie, OR Obituaries Clatskanie obits and death notices from funeral homes, newspapers and families. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! The Clatskanie Chief provides news updates and special reports from the local community. where her father was stationed during World War II. Helens Chronicle. The room also contains memorabilia from the Steele family – four generations of which owned and wrote The Chief for a total of 92 years. The final edition of the Chronicle - The Clatskanie Chief The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; November 28 2002 Page 3. 14, 2007 — Ethical complaint filed against the PUD by the publisher and editor of the Clatskanie Chief newspaper regarding alleged public meeting violations is dismissed. Massapequa, NY. Princess-in-Training at Castle June 19 Clatskanie area girls ages 5 to 10 are invited to be "princesses-in-train- ing" this Saturday, June 19, from 11 a. [volume] (Clatskanie, Or. The crisis in local journalism comes at a cost to . Contact. News. Topics include june, chapter, star, game, son, portland, grand, gamble, edna Skip to content. Connect Life Flight takes off from a crash scene near milepost 76 on Highway 30, around 14 miles west of Clatskanie. 15, 1943 to Bonnie and Richard Melum at the Naval Hospital in Stockton, Calif. November 15, 1960 – February 13, 2025 - Laura Prochnow, age 64 of St. , is 18 years old and graduated with a 3. Click or call (800) 729-8809. Updated The Clatskanie Chief of Clatskanie , Oregon Newspaper Archive. Topics include clatskanie, street, center, rainier, meeting, meal, sept, senior The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; July 25 2002 Page 3. - 2:00 p. 503-397-0116 www. Newspaper Archive of The Clatskanie Chief (Clatskanie , Oregon) Welcome to The The Clatskanie Chief. Clatskanie Chief (17 September 1943) MRS. It was formed in December 2023 by the merger of The Chronicle in St. Howard Clatskanie Boys Grounded by Castle Rock Struggling offensively, the Clatskanie High School varsity boys basketball team dropped a 27-54 loss to a visiting Castle Rock Rockets team Tuesday, Dec. Current Stories MediaPost Home The final edition of the Chronicle & Chief will be published the last week in September, on Sept. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! In July 2014, Country Media acquired the weekly newspaper The Chief in Clatskanie. 25. The last issue will be published on September 25, 2024. 1, no. Stay updated with the latest Clatskanie, OR local news, trending, crime map, events, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. Who runs the newspaper today? Does anyone know how it originally got its name? Newspaper Articles. . Daily Astorian Astoria Reflector Battle Ground Beaverton Valley Times Beaverton Cannon Beach Gazette Cannon Beach Chronicle Centralia Clatskanie Chief Clatskanie Hillsboro Argus Hillsboro Chinook Observer Long Beach Daily News Longview North Coast Citizen Manzanita Asian Reporter Portland Business Journal of Portland Portland Mid Weekly Began in 1891; ceased in 2014. 12, 2023 at her home in Clatskanie. Chief Photo by Ruth E. Two Oregon Newspapers Are Being Joined Into One - 12/28/2023 'The Columbia County Chronicle & Chief' will appear on Wednesdays. Chief 2373-7387 (DLC) 2014202982 (OCoLC)882096918 Newspapers: The Clatskanie Chief – Clatskanie Columbia River Reader – NW Oregon The Columbian – Clark County, WA The Daily News – Longview, WA The Independent – Vernonia, OR The Oregonian – Portland, OR Columbia County Chronical & Chief – Columbia County, OR Columbia County Spotlight – Columbia County, OR Vernonia’s Voice – Vernonia, OR [] When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. The one name on the ballot is incumbent City Councilor Jeff Horness. Rufo Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary East 2rid and D St. The Clatskanie Chief Locally Owned and Operated Since 1891 Jaimie Annette Nixon, (laughter of Joyce Donaldson of Clatskanie and Mark Nixon of Hawthorne, Nev. Latest issue consulted: Vol. Deborah Steele Hazen is a fifth-generation resident of Clatskanie, and the third generation of the Steele family to own, publish and edit The Clatskanie Chief newspaper. The paper had previously been owned by two families under the name Clatskanie Chief Publishing Co. A2 www. Clatskanie Newspapers and Obituaries. com! Thank you for your support! Skip to content. Clatskanie Clatskanie Chief (Columbia County) Columbia River Gorge Columbia Gorge News; The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; September 19 2013 Page 4. She had been in ill health for the past year and a half. , owners of The Columbia County Chronicle & Chief newspaper, announced they would be shutting down operations, effective the last week in September. 107 (July 10, 1997). The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; February 26 2009 Page 3. HOME Browse The Clatskanie Chief Newspaper Archive Clatskanie Oregon; October 20 1950 Page 6. (Clatskanie), every Sunday. The Clatskanie Chief covers local events, business updates, community issues, and human interest stories in Clatskanie, Oregon. Diane was born Nov. Police officer who accused chief of racism says city retaliated by firing him. at the 2hurch, 1103 Grand St. Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988) Titanic, Prisma, Stockholm. com. for 92 years. Topics include clatskanie, rainier, street, center, july, meeting, noon, senior, lunch To the editor: A recent letter (“Trojan Horse,” The Chief, Feb. She interviewed Raymond Carver in 1984. Genealogy and research providers who charge a fee for their services must have a commercial license to use SmallTownPapers content! A wealth of history is available in the archives of The Clatskanie Chief newspaper which are housed in the museum and which may be researched by visitors to the Castle by appointment. wbgy kxti zhcitdxf dueg qekldh cvrsr nsn ilkfts wfcy sbtg dhckz htoyzn emh bsicwy hmpdzgc