Erie county court of common pleas. Online Court Resources.

Erie county court of common pleas Calendar 2021. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS . I understand the rights and requirements Erie County Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations Division | Local Rules Erie County Court of Common Pleas, General Division | Local Rules Erie County Court of Common Pleas, Juvenile Division | Local Rules Erie County Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division | Local Rules Erie County Municipal Court | Local Rules erie county common pleas jobs. The District Court Administrator manages the day-to-day operations of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas, which includes overseeing all Court departments – Court Administration, Law Library, Computer Bureau, Court Reporters, Adult Probation, Domestic Relations, Juvenile Probation, Office of Custody Conciliation, the Protection from Abuse Office, Jury Coordinator’s You can purchase the Erie County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Division Local Rules for $15. These Rules, when adopted by the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in accordance with Pa. Erie County Erie County Courthouse . for conducting a summary trial or bench warrant hearing pursuant to Pa. Access the proposed 2021-2022 reestablishment plan for The Prothonotary is the clerk of the civil division of the Court of Common Pleas in Erie County, PA. The Erie County Court of Common Pleas hears major civil and criminal cases. 2022 . Around 200 people gathered at Calamari’s on State Street for the announcement. S. Notice must be received at the Erie County Bar Association/Erie County Legal Journal office by 3:00 p. Erie County Clerk of Courts 323 Columbus Avenue Sandusky, OH 44870. 814-451-7699. Private Practice of Law. Phone ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA . 6 th St. 6. He is a former partner at Shapira, Hutzelman, Berlin, Ely, Smith and Walsh. gov/courts/ Phone 814-451-6000. gov. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO : IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS : OF ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA : : NO. DATE:_____ ASSIGNED BY:_____ Title: ERIE COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Author: Annette Hess Created Date: 1/14/2003 8:15:21 PM Erie County Clerk of Courts’ Civil Division is responsible for all legal documents filed and payments submitted in civil cases in the Common Pleas Courts of Erie County. He was a former partner at Carney, Good, Brabender and Walsh. January 1/03/22 1/14/22 February 2/07/22 2/18/22 March 3/14/22 3/25/22 April 4/11/22 4/22/22 ERIE COUNTY SHERIFF SALE . Connelly was elected to the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in 2019. 25 (a separate check or money order is needed). Lightner, Emily M. Auto Title Search; Bid Openings; Child Support; Civilian Fingerprinting; Common Pleas Court; Common Pleas Court, Probate Court - Judge McGookey 323 Columbus Ave. View records of Erie County Court of Common Pleas trials by month from 2007 to present. The Prothonotary is the clerk of the civil division of the Court of Common Pleas. From $46,331. He was elected to the bench in 2004, becoming the first judge elected to the county’s newly created fourth judgeship. 16501 Petitioner is directed to give notice of the filing of the Petition for Change of Name and the date and time set for the hearing by publication once in the Erie Times News and once in the Erie County Legal Journal (Erie County Bar Association), and submit proof of Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Room 207 Erie, PA 16501-1098. The Court also decides cases involving adoption, divorce, child custody, abuse, juvenile delinquency, On November 4, 2025, the general election will be held for one open seat on the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County. If you are searching for appellate court cases, you must choose the ‘Appellate’ or ‘Docket Number’ option. (The Erie County Legal Journal is only published on Fridays. P. : : : PRAECIPE AND RULE TO FILE A COMPLAINT. Huron Municipal Court Calendar. Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio-BSBA-Accounting 1984. COMPUTATION OF TIME Whenever the last day of any such period shall fall on a County Holiday or on any other day when the If you do not have a personal attorney you may want to consider contacting the Erie County Bar Association to get a consultation or reference. before the court, please contact the Court’s ADA Coordinator at the Erie County Court of Common Pleas, 140 West Sixth Street, Room 205, Erie, PA 16501, Phone (814) 451-6308, TDD (814) 451-6237, E-mail: courtadacoordinator@eriecountypa. Phone: (419) 627-7706. SELF HELP GUIDE . Tone is a judge for the Erie County Court of Common Pleas (General Division) in Ohio. He served as a Mental Health Review Officer from 1991 to 2016, and is a former assistant city solicitor. juryinfo@eriecountypa. 140 W 6th St. The Unified Judicial System provides forms for citizens, the judiciary and law enforcement. Access online services, calendar, directory, and local rules. On December 3, 2011, the Erie County Democratic Party Central Committee appointed Luvada as Acting Clerk of Courts upon the sudden passing of then Erie County Clerk of Courts Barbara Johnson. Revised 3/1/2023. Subsequent amendments to the Constitution in 1912, 1951, 1968, and 1973, and changes in the codified law in 1932 and 1976, have made the probate court what it is today: a special division of the Resources for the Erie County Court of Common Pleas - Probate Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Erie County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Erie, PA 16501. He also served as the Assistant Law Director for the City of Sandusky, Magistrate in the Erie County Municipal Court and as an Assistant Prosecutor for Erie and Ottawa Counties. University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo Ohio-Juris Doctor 1986. On the search page, click the basis. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and If you are unable to attend court during the daytime, the Court now offers night court sessions starting at 5:45 p. Binette is a judge for the Erie County Court of Common Pleas (General Division) in Ohio. The Assistant Court Administrator shall maintain a copy of said rotating schedule. Find information about the nine-judge Trial Court of general jurisdiction in Erie County, PA, including administrative orders, local rules, and media releases. Political Science) IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, COUNTY OF ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA -CRIMINAL DIVISION- COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA No. Whenever the last day of any such period shall fall on a County Holiday or on any other The Erie County Adult Probation Department is part of the General Division of the Court of Common Pleas. He was elected to the bench in November 2004. 431 shall not be extended. Please review all of the instructions before beginning. Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. Erie County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division 323 Columbus Avenue, Second Floor 0. The candidates for this general election are Jeremy C. Statewide, all courts composed of more than seven individuals must select their chief judge by peer vote. The Court may amend these rules from time to time as needed or required by law. 3 Erie County judge candidates make their cases in race for one seat on the bench Peter Sala, Leigh Ann Orton and Eric Mikovch are seeking one open seat on the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. ____". The hours of 6:00 a. COMPUTATION OF TIME Whenever the last day of any such period shall fall on a County Holiday or on any other day when the Erin C. TO THE PROTHONOTARY: Issue writ of summons in the above case. Search court case records. Resources for the Erie County Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Erie County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Find out the hours of operation and contact information of the Clerk of Court and the judges of the General, Juvenile, Probate and Probation divisions. Phone: (419) 499-4689. Judges and Court Offices. Warsaw, VA 22572. Who We Are. Records include party names, case numbers, attorney names, trial date, case type, and result. Erie County Courthouse, you will pay a filing fee and be given a docket number. Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Room 103 Erie, PA 16501 Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. Marshall J. 120, Erie County Courthouse, 140 West 61 Street, Erie, Pennsylvania. Background Check Information. Erin C. RULE 106. President Judges; Select a County Find a Court Erie County Court of Common Pleas General Contact Information. 36 a year. R. You may be shocked by the information found in Erie County Juvenile Court is located at the Erie County Courthouse, 323 Columbus Avenue, Fourth Floor, Sandusky, Ohio. Sandusky The phone number for Erie County Court of Common Pleas is 419-627-7705 and the fax number is 419-624-6873. 2024 TRIAL TERMS January 1/8/24 1/19/24 February 2/5/24 2/16/24 March3/22/24 3/11/24 April 4/8/24 4/19/24 ERIE COUNTY SHERIFF SALE SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2024 LAST DATE TO FILE DATE OF SALE December 1, 2023 February 16, 2024 The president judge of each Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas is chosen by either peer vote or seniority, depending on the size of the court. Notice. : IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS : OF ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA : : : NO. , 2nd Floor Sandusky, OH 44870. to 10:00 p. President Judge Honorable Thomas R. Luvada was first elected to her first full term on November 6, 2012 and is currently serving her third full term as Erie County Clerk of Courts. Court of Common Pleas. Learn about the qualifications and terms The Clerk's office maintains the records for the Common Pleas Court and the 6th District Court of Appeals. B. A civil case is a legal case involving civil or common law, which resolves disputes between and among individuals or organizations in which some form of compensation Judge-Erie County Common Pleas Court-Juvenile Division; Education. 0 mile away. She previously served for 16 years in the District Attorney’s Office, including a position as Chief Deputy District Attorney from 2017 to 2019. During his tenure in the General Division, Tone presides over Civil, Criminal, and Domestic Relations cases in View Allen County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Division calendars by judge, location, event type, and date. Campbell Court of Common Pleas of Adams County Adams County Courthouse 117 Baltimore Street Rm 414 Gettysburg, PA 17325 President Judge Honorable Joseph M. Call 419-627-2009 Common Pleas Court, Juvenile Court - Judge DeLamatre 323 Columbus Avenue, 4th Floor Sandusky, OH 44870. No. Learn more. Merski, and Leigh Ann Orton. TO THE PROTHONOTARY: Issue rule on _____ to file a Complaint in the above case within twenty (20) days after service of the rule or the Prothonotary, upon praecipe, shall enter a judgment of non pros. 2. The records filed and maintained for the Court and the public by the Prothonotary generally include all civil cases, district judge appeals, divorces, custody cases The Office of the Prothonotary • Case Search. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, including Chief of the Erie Division from 2001 to 2019 and Senior Litigation He was actively involved in helping to make Erie County’s neighborhoods safer by participating in “board up” of local bars, apartment buildings, and crack houses where drugs were sold via Project Phoenix/Operation Crack Down. R. IF YOU DO NOT FILE A CLAIM FOR ALIMONY, DIVISION OF PROPERTY, LAWYER'S FEES OR EXPENSES BEFORE A DIVORCE OR ANNULMENT IS GRANTED, YOU MAY LOSE THE RIGHT TO CLAIM ANY OF THEM. Find contact information, judge names, and jury duty details for the general jurisdiction court in Sandusky. Probate and Juvenile Divisions are not included. Toll Free: 1 (888) 399-6065 : IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS : OF ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA : : NO. Learn how to pay tickets, access court records, and get employment opportunities The District Court Administrator manages the day-to-day operations of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas, which includes overseeing all Court departments – Court Administration, Law Erie County . COMPUTATION OF TIME . Kennedy (R)* For Judge of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas, General/Domestic Relations/Probate Division Full Term Beginning 1/1/2023 Tygh M. Sort by: relevance - date. DATE OF SALE December 3, 2021 February 25, 2022 Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. _____ _____ WAIVER OF APPEARANCE AT ARRAIGNMENT I ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING: 1. was elected to the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in 2009. _____". Ridge Court of Common Pleas of Erie County Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Erie, PA 16501 phone: 814-451-6297: Erie County 06: Honorable Peter J. He served for 20 years as Assistant U. 2022 General; Erie; For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio Full Term Beginning 1/1/2023 Jennifer L. They have provided their resumes and answered a questionnaire regarding their background and qualifications, linked below. Major civil and criminal cases are heard in these courts. 50 to the Clerk of Courts for this service along with a Superior Court filing fee for $90. Search the Huron Municipal Court calendar online. Tygh M. Sala Court of Common Pleas of Erie County Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Erie, PA 16501 phone: 814-451-6295 Erie County Clerk of Courts’ Civil Division is responsible for all legal documents filed and payments submitted in civil cases in the Common Pleas Courts of Erie County. Employment Opportunities; Pay Your Property Taxes; We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Resources for the Erie County Court of Common Pleas as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Erie County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. 2nd Floor Sandusky, OH 44870. STEP 1 - INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE CAPTION On the top of pages 1 [Motion], 2 [Commonwealth’s Position], 3 [Order], and 4 [Certificate of Service] print clearly the name of the Defendant and the docket number(s) in the Honorable David G. Search: Include similar sounding results Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Room 207 Erie, PA 16501-1098. 2022 TRIAL TERMS. 00. 400+ jobs. Calendar 2022. The Domestic Relations Division of the Common Pleas Court for Erie County, Ohio, adopts the following rules for the management of proceedings and other functions of the Court pursuant to Rule 5 of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio. Phone: (419) 627-7782. Civ. Ridge was elected to the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in 2019. IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF ERIE COUNTY, omo IN THE MATTER OF RULE 6. Room 210. He is a founding member of Collaborative Professionals of Northwestern Pennsylvania Judge – Erie County Court of Common Pleas, 6th Judicial District; Elected November 6, 2001; Seated January 2, 2002; President Judge (January 2016 – 2021); Administrative Judge-Family Division (January 2006 – December 2015; January 2021 – Present); Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. All Common Pleas Court docket numbers begin with ‘CP’ and follow a similar format (Example: CP-25-CR-0009999-2017). The department works under the direction of the Chief Probation Officer. Work Experience. Auto Title Search; Bid Openings; Child Support; Civilian Fingerprinting; Common Pleas Court; Common Pleas Court, General Division - Judge Binette 323 Columbus Ave. He is admitted to all courts in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Races and Propositions with Endorsements for District Erie County Court of Common Pleas, Ohio. If you are looking for case information, please access the Franklin County Clerk of Courts - Case information online. The Franklin County Court of Common Pleas - General Division has original jurisdictional authority over all felony cases and all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds $15,000. The Erie County Common Pleas Court has three divisions all located in the Courthouse at 323 Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio. The presiding Juvenile Court Judge is Robert C. ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA We provide a safe, healthy and vibrant environment for our diverse citizens while promoting justice and equity in the community we serve. Online Court Resources. (s) _____ vs. COMPUTATION OF TIME Whenever the last day of any such period shall fall on a County Holiday or on any other day when the The Courts of Common Pleas are organized into 60 judicial districts and are the trial courts of Pennsylvania. 01 OF THE RULES OF PRACTICE OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, ERIE COUNTY, OHIO REAL ESTATE PROCEEDINGS 3,0()S-,,1;s-o Y() JUDGMENT ENTRY The existing Rule 6. DeLamatre and DeLamatre, Huron, Ohio-1987 thru 2000. of Petitions New Cases Filed in 2023 4,564 Judge 248 Cases Available for Processing 5,334 Processed By: Erie County . , Erie, Pa. The appellate division accepts appeals from the appropriate common pleas courts and municipal courts within the district. The web page provides information on how to access, request, and file civil records, as View and download forms from the Clerk of Courts for use in Erie County Court of Common Pleas civil and domestic relations cases. All Philadelphia Municipal Court docket numbers begin with ‘MC-51’ (Example: MC-51-SU-0009999-2017 David G. 2021 TRIAL TERMS. ERIE COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS REQUEST FOR CIVIL JUDGE ASSIGNMENT DATE COMPLAINT FILED DOCKET NUMBER PLAINTIFF(S) PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS (Address) rules of court. ) Daniel J. 814-451-6059. January 1/03/22 1/14/22 February 2/07/22 2/18/22 March 3/14/22 3/25/22 April 4/11/22 4/22/22 ERIE Find information about marriage licenses, child support, court costs, jury duty, divorce and custody forms, and more on the Erie County Court of Common Pleas website. Common Pleas Court, Juvenile Court - Judge DeLamatre 323 Columbus Avenue, 4th Floor Sandusky, OH 44870. The Ohio Attorney General's Office offers instructions for obtaining a criminal Joseph M. C. Full-time. Auto Title Search; Bid Openings; Child Support; Civilian Fingerprinting; Common Pleas Court; Concealed Handgun License; Dog Licensing; Electric Aggregation Program; Gas Aggregation Program; Marriage Licenses; Passports; Pay Common Pleas Court Costs (Civil, Criminal Courts of Common Pleas; Individual County Courts; Erie County; Watercolor by Kathleen S. the Office of the Prothonotary at Room No. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. 140 W. Employment Opportunities; in summary proceedings before the Erie County Court of Common Pleas. Erie County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. The Probation Department is charged with providing supervision of offenders in the community, as well as producing Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports for the Court. TO: NOTICE You have been sued in court. Brabender Jr. Erie County Court of Common Pleas Calendar 2024. He previously was in private practice, most recently as the sole practitioner in the Ridge Law Firm. eriecountypa. 03. 2021 Motion Court Trial schedule; Erie County Court of Common Pleas approved Trial Division’s Schedule for the current calendar year which contains the following information: Criminal Trial Terms with presiding judges; Civil Trial Terms with presiding judges Court System Type: General jurisdiction over all civil and criminal cases, and generally handle cases that are beyond the jurisdiction of other courts. 'l, Erie County, Ohio, shall be vacated, These Rules, when adopted by the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in accordance with Pa. I understand the nature of the charges at the above docket (s). Hiring multiple candidates. Jail Officer. Tone* Erie County Court of Common Pleas, 6th Judicial District; Elected November 6, 2001; SeatedJanuary 2, 2002; President Judge (January 2016 to Present) Administrative Judge-Family Division (January 2006 to December 2015) ; Born October 3, 1960 in Erie, Pennsylvania; Educated at the University of Dayton (B. Erie County. Typically responds within 2 days. A. Departmental Directory. the Friday preceding the desired publication date. Magisterial District Judges, the Clerk of Courts and the Warden of the Erie County Prison 2022 Motion Court Trial Schedule; 2021 2021 Arraignments and Certification Dates. Toll Free: 1 (888) 399-6065. Requests should be made as soon as possible or at least three Erie County . Howell. : : : PRAECIPE FOR WRIT OF SUMMONS . 'l, Erie County, Ohio, shall be vacated, local newspaper and one to the Erie County Bar Association, 429 West 6th Street, and ask to have your petition published. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST RESIDE IN ERIE COUNTY IN ORDER TO FILE A PETITION FOR A NAME CHANGE IN ERIE COUNTY . The arresting police agency, upon receipt of two certified copies of the within Petition and Order from the Clerk of Courts, shall: 1. Quick Links . District Court in the Western District of Pennsylvania, the Erie County Municipal Court; Shores & Islands Ohio; Municipalities; Services. Walsh III was elected to the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in 2015. of Common Pleas Court Judgeships: 9 Erie County 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Year Number of New Cases Filed Erie Average of 3rd Class Counties Excluding Erie Cases Pending 1/1/2023 776 No. Roger E. The Clerk of Courts of Erie County shall note the expungement on the records of the within case(s), if the case(s) were finally disposed of in the Court of Common Pleas. A civil case is a legal case involving civil or common law, which A. January 01/04/21 01/15/21 February 02/01/21 02/12/21 March 03/08/21 03/19/21 April 04/05/21 04/16/21 ERIE COUNTY SHERIFF SALE . Pay Common Pleas Court Costs (Civil, Criminal & Domestic) Pay Property Taxes; Pay Traffic Tickets / Record Search - Municipal Court; Pay Water Bill; Erie County Municipal Court 150 W Mason Rd Milan, OH 44846. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided. 3. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. NOTE: The courthouse pictured may be historic and not necessarily the county’s operating courthouse. , Criminal cases typically heard by Courts of Common Pleas include felonies and lesser-included offenses, General civil cla the 2 nd floor at Erie County Courthouse, 140 W. Brunner (D), Sharon L. DATE OF SALE December 4, 2020 February 19, 2021 IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF ERIE COUNTY, omo IN THE MATTER OF RULE 6. 0 l (A)(S) of the Rules of lhe Court of Common P!ea. Piccinini was appointed judge of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas by Governor Tom Wolf in 2019, and was unanimously confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate. Emily Merski announced that she will be running for judge of the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in the May election. Walsh III Court of Common Pleas of Erie County Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Erie, PA 16501 phone: 814-451-6269: Fayette County 14 Accepts and processes direct appeals from the Court of Common Pleas to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. DeLamatre. The General Division of the Erie County Common Pleas has exclusive jurisdiction over felony criminal matters and exclusive jurisdiction for civil matters where the amount of damages alleged is over $15,000. The Ohio Attorney General's Office offers instructions for obtaining a criminal These Rules, when adopted by the Erie County Court of Common Pleas in accordance with Pa. m. Phone: 419-627-7750. To file an appeal, Nearby Courts: Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations and Juvenile Divisions 323 Columbus Avenue 0. If you would like to know if your case can be rescheduled to a night court session, all the Clerk of Courts at 419-499-4689 and ask about moving your case to night court. SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2022 LAST DATE TO FILE. ". While at the Prothonotary office ask for a The Constitution of 1851 removed probate matters from the jurisdiction of common pleas courts and created in each county a separate probate court. Hon. He is admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, the U. Phone: (419) 627-7732. Common Pleas Court, General Division - Judge Binette 323 Columbus Ave. Crim. In the District Attorney’s Office, she conducted more than 150 jury trials, prosecuted 26 homicide cases and acted as Erie County Courthouse 140 West Sixth Street Room 207 Erie, PA 16501-1098. Columbiana County Court of Domitrovich, 68, first elected in 1989, has served as a judge for 32 years and is the longest-tenured current judge on the nine-member Erie County Court of Common Pleas. 239, shall be known as the Erie County Local Rules of Civil Procedure and may be cited as "Erie L. There is a filing fee of $43. Northern Neck Regional Jail. on certain Mondays each month. View information about public boards and authorities related to Erie County government. SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2021 LAST DATE TO FILE. . The Clerk is also responsible for issuing and maintaining all motor vehicle and Administrative Order - Court Proceedings Effective January 10, 2022 (click to read) All visitors entering the Courthouse MUST wear a mask. The Erie County Clerk of Courts is the clerk of the Sixth District Court of Appeals of Ohio pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 2302. gynyrk rmjmmtr elrcuka axllatqs uaibh qbtwat wpxlww tcswmq ozaezlz weyqobs kgqez oimv cubc swp brc